Friday, May 3, 2019

The Gift to be Simple

The problem with the secret of life is not that it is too difficult for us to understand but that it is too simple for us to believe in.

We humans are great complexifiers who easily overwhelm ourselves with layers of hedges, doubts and what-ifs.  This is especially true when the ultimates of existence are laid on the table.  We try so hard to be brilliant, profound and comprehensive that we bury ourselves in caveats, quibbles and subtleties.

But, contrary to our ego-driven need to be profound, the rules of the game are simple and they can be simply, if coarsely, expressed.

The world of appearances seems to be overwhelmingly multilayered and complex.  The deeper we dig, the more layers of complexity that we find.  There is no limit to this unfolding of richness on the path of discovery.  This is a case of infinite regression, mirrors mirroring mirrors.  It is a mental game based upon the principle of “seek and ye shall find”.  The process of seeking itself creates the complexity that is “found”.

If, instead of being entranced by appearances, we begin to notice the patterns behind them, appearances become comprehensible without losing any of their richness.  The discovery of Fractals in Chaos Theory is a prime example of this kind of comprehension.

The foundational inspiration for peeling back the layers of reality is the intuition that I am not in the Universe but that the Universe is in me.  I sense that, by modulating awareness, I am able to create the entire Universe that I inhabit.

Each sentient being, each point of awareness, creates an entire universe according to its species or flavor of awareness.  A human universe is not a dolphin universe or a bee universe or a worm universe.  Each species of universe is created by a particular manner of modulating the raw, unfeatured awareness that is the essence of all being.  Each species of awareness is a particular kind of music, a unique flute song, made from the same wind.

The only constant in the experience of living is awareness itself.  If I close my eyes, beneath thoughts and bodily sensations, I find that silent “is-ness” that I know as “me” if I give it any name at all.  I could make the nonsensical statement that, “is is” or, to be more personal, “I am”.  In short, I am aware of being aware.  This has always been so and will always be so.  My constantly changing ego self is inhabited by this unchanging, aware presence, which is constantly awake inside me.

I sense that we all share the same “self”, the same core awareness.

Zoom in from the focus on ultimate reality to the nitty-gritty texture of everyday life.  What we choose to pay attention to determines the nature of our experience of the world.  What we pay attention to determines what happens to us, how our life unfolds, how happy we are, what we “get”.  This is baldly stated but essentially true.  We spend our entire lifetimes figuring out how it works and tinkering with the details. 

The punch line is that we have some ability to choose how we modify awareness in our quirky and personal ways.  Each one of us is unique in the history of the universe.  We are here to compose our personal flute song and voice it with the wind of being.  That is the contribution that each of us makes to eternity.  Once created, nothing is ever lost.

Now it is time to focus on practicalities.

Meditation is spending time in the presence of raw awareness.  That is why it is so nourishing to us.  Meditation is just spending time with our real self.  Meditation is our default state, our silent center.

Controlling what we pay attention to is the way we steer our lives.  What we allow in to our awareness becomes our inner environment, the mental world that we live in.  We can choose heaven.  We can choose hell.  Or, we can visit any of the neighborhoods in between.  The point is that we, each one of us, gets to choose.  We are here on Earth with the ability to do just that.

Setting our intention for how we choose to live will allow us to attract congenial companions and happy outcomes.  “Setting our intention” sounds formal but we, all of us, do it whether we ever think about it or not.  Our temperament, mixed with early conditioning, sets the stage for our likes and dislikes in the world.  These unexamined preferences act as our “intention”.   Once we have reached the age of reason, we can consciously choose our preferred path and thoughtfully set an intention for our lives, or we can choose not to.  Not  choosing is also a choice.  Since we are creators of our personal universe rather than passive consumers of reality, it makes sense to put our order in for what we really prefer.  One outcome is not better than another even though each one of us thinks that our way is the best way or the “right” way.  It is just the way that we personally like best.

The intention that rules our choices will largely control what seems interesting or valuable to us and, therefore, what we want to pay attention to.

These three things, meditation, attention and intention, taken together, become the basis for creating a loving and joy-filled life if that is what you want.  The plan is simple.  To be centered and present is practiced in meditation.  To be careful about where attention is pointed tunes the contents and emotional flavor of daily experience.  To be clear about desires (intention) determines the power and quality of the energy that the individual gives out.  Taken together, these three, presence, input and output create the vibration that attracts matching counterparts to itself.

It is the adventure of a lifetime to compose our own special music.  It may take a lifetime to practice our instrument to learn how to do that well enough but, at all stages, music is being played.

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