Sunday, August 4, 2013

Creation Song

Before time began, before space began, bliss was.  Consciousness was.  Consciousness became an idea.  The idea became an intention.  Consciousness banged the universe into being and time began, space was created and the game was on.  Consciousness expanded.

Eons of time passed as the young universe ballooned, suns coalesced and planets formed.  Life arose and began its long road of evolution.  All of these differentiations were local vibratory tunings of unitary consciousness as the great tapestry unrolled.  The universe and the abundance of forms that make it up are elaborations, articulations and permutations of the one eternal consciousness.  They are all patterns of vibration.  They are generated out of sheer delight, a bravura outpouring of orchestrated, exuberant bliss, the joy of creative self expression.  And so it continues.

Absolute stillness has not existed since time began.  All that is is vibratory in nature.  One so-called “thing” differs from the next only in its frequency of vibration.  A rock vibrates at a lower frequency than a plant.  A plant vibrates at a lower frequency than an animal.  Each representative of each “kingdom”, mineral, vegetable and animal vibrates within a certain band of frequencies.  There can be individual variations within the band.  Within the animal kingdom, humans are capable of the broadest variation of vibratory level.  Depending on a human’s mentality, he or she may vibrate at the level of an earthworm or of an angel or at any point in between.

Humans are the most self conscious of animals.  Humans are conscious that they are conscious.  Humans are learning that they can change their level of consciousness.  They can change their vibratory rate.  When their vibratory rate is changed, the individual’s experience of life is changed.  Perceptually, they live in a different world.  This world-changing is open to choice.   Humans may decide upon the nature of the world they choose to live in.  They have always had this ability but few realized that they did.

It is time to tell a story about human life.

The primal consciousness that some of us call “God” had an idea.  It wanted to experience love.  Love is like tennis, it takes two.  So God banged out a universe and time began.  Eventually, consciousness was manifested in organisms and, finally, in humans.  Consciousness has always been unitary.  There is only one but this one can be playful. It can play hide and seek with itself to experience the pleasure of reunion.  It creates characters from itself and plays are performed so the characters can experience all of the emotions.  It is like an author acting all of the parts of his own play.  At the end of each play, the characters forget the play by dying out of it.  In the green room, the spirits of all of the characters remember the play and what they have learned from it.  They concoct another script based on what they wish to experience and to learn.  They switch roles to accomplish that.  The father might become the baby girl and the mother, the mean uncle.  Then, they lapse into forgetfulness and get born into the new play.  Now, remember that all of the “characters” are really the One.  This One is the recipient of all of the experiences enjoyed by all of the “characters”.  That is the whole point of the game.  It has been going on for eons and it is still fun. (Some deities have a weird sense of humor.)

You and I are two of the characters in this repertory company.  We have chosen the circumstances of our lives to benefit our own spiritual evolution.  In other words, we have set up the stage or playing table to rig the game in favor of our having the experiences that we desire.  Once we have been born into the game, we have free will and the ability to create our own reality within the context of the rigged game.  This is all being done in benevolence.  Remember that we chose it.  There are no victims although some do play villains.  It is all done in love although the whole process may be incomprehensible to humans.  It can be, and often is, a horror show.  It is for me, too.

Obviously, this story is a myth.  A myth is a teaching story.  Its purpose is to communicate principals and broad ideas in ways that the listener can comprehend.  It is told in a cartoon-simple way to dramatize truths.  In a literal sense, it is not true.  In the metaphorical sense, it is.  The ideas to take away from it are these:  The universe consists of consciousness.  This one single field of consciousness manifests as patterns of vibration.  The patterns of vibration are perceived by humans as a world of solid objects and entities.  Humans are conscious of being conscious.  In this, “they are made in the image of God”.  Consciousness can evolve which means it can grow into greater complexity and subtlety.

There is an intention toward the evolution of consciousness at the heart of the universe.  Evolved consciousness is marked by the realization that there is only one and that that one is love which is experienced as bliss.  Before the beginning, there was bliss.  The end game is bliss as the universe crunches back into stillness.  It is a grand adventure that stretches from simple to simple.  But here is the difference.  The child, in her innocence, is simple.  The sage, through her carefully observed experience, attains simplicity.  We call the simplicity of the sage “wisdom”. 

The purpose of creation is the evolution of God.

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