Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Good News

You are loved.  No strings.  No conditions.  No ifs, no buts, no maybes.  You don’t have to do anything.  You don’t have to please anyone.  You are loved simply because you are.  You are loved because of who you are.  You are loved because of what you are.  Nothing can change that.  Nothing you could ever do could change that.  You are stuck with it – eternally.  You are loved with a love that you can’t even imagine here in this earth life.  You are home free.

There is nothing more important than feeling good.  The whole purpose of your being is to feel good.  That’s your only job.  There is no limit to how good it can get.  There is no limit to how good you can feel.

You have no limits.  You are the center of the universe.  In fact, you are not in the universe, the universe is in you.  You make it any way you want it to be.  Always have, always will.

You have always been here and you always will be.

There is nothing to fear – ever.

Is that good news or what?

Relax and take yes for an answer.

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