Emotional Freedom Techniques, or "EFT" as it is called, is a meridian based healing technique with very broad application to human fears, phobias, psychological distress and related physical symptoms. Its full potential has not yet been grasped. I suspect that it holds a key to reprogramming the subconscious mind. This is something that I am now probing.
The energy meridians located within the human body were first charted in China about five thousand years ago. Blockages of energy in those channels is held to be the cause of many, if not all, illnesses. Therapeutic interventions like acupuncture or acupressure are methods used to clear these blockages. Although the efficacy of these techniques is well established, the existence of the energy meridians themselves has not yet been validated by Western science.
EFT involves tapping on endpoints of energy meridians that are located near the surface of the skin. It is fast, simple and easy to learn yet its effects can be lasting and profound. I do not intend to attempt to teach it here. Rather, I direct your attention to the source of this technique at www.emofree.com. You may view introductory videos and download a manual detailing EFT free of charge from this site.
I intend to refer to the use of EFT in future posts but will leave the teaching of it to those more qualified than myself. I encourage you to become familiar with EFT.
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ReplyDeleteMove your mind and your ass will follow.
ReplyDeleteDR Funkinstein.
Dear Dr. Funkinstein,
ReplyDeleteYou are entirely correct. Moving the mind is exactly what this blog is about. We may have to throw the monkey a banana to keep it occupied while movement occurs or, maybe, we can find a way to use the monkey's energy to tote some boxes.
In the second paragraph of Claim Token Dr Joe writes.....Here is the point of power. I can change my beliefs. When I do, the conditions of my life will change.....So I wonder. What mind is the mind that changes beliefs? Is not the conscious mind the, monkey mind the belief changer? If that is true the monkey mind is the creator ,the decider of the shape of ones life condition and indeed is the mind that does the work of toting the boxes. Love the monkey mind.
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ReplyDeleteDon't have to be smart to rule. As an infant my monkey mind was busy constructing the contents of my subconscious with all the smarts I had at the time. Of course then it did become automatic when my mind wandered away to something else. Monkey is the master smart or no. Let the good times unroll. Maybe another kind of mind set up the game so the two kinds of mind we are examining could ride the bus.
ReplyDeleteBut then again maybe not. MN
We have come to a divide. As I see it, the conscious mind, the monkey, thinks it rules. Generally, the unconscious mind silently, invisibly runs the programs that rule our behavior and the conscious mind rationalizes our "choices" after the fact.
ReplyDeleteIf we use the conscious mind to uncover and overwrite subconscious programming, we can change our outcomes. Then, we have made elements of the subconscious mind conscious. In that case, the smart monkey rules.
Failing that, the dumb monkey sits in the infant car seat with the steering wheel and pretends to drive as the subconscious really turns the wheel.
We may have to agree to disagree on this.
Heres the sticky spot. I am not convinced that even you believe that. You seem to describe the conscious mind as the source of content in the subconscious mind. If that is true then you are pointing to the conscious mind as being in control of the subconscious. If you wish to assert that the subconscious is in control you must assert a different source of content and point to that. When you describe the role of the conscious mind in reprograming the subconscious you again point to the power of the conscious mind over the subconscious and again your own words refute your assertion that the conscious mind only thinks it is in control. Maybe the resolution is that the two minds are really only one mind and information and control flow in both directions. LOVE THE MONKEY.
In my post of April 30 titled "Subconscious Mind", I pretty clearly lay out, or at least suggest, the relationship of the two departments of mind. I state that behaviors are normally controlled by beliefs held in the subconscious mind without the intervention of the conscious mind. I point out that the bulk of programming is accomplished before the individual is capable of conscious choice.
ReplyDeleteI do discuss methods by which the conscious mind can cause beliefs held in the subconscious to be overwritten. In this way, behaviors automatically controlled by the subconscious may be brought into line with ideas held in the conscious mind. This is an indirect but durable route to control.
The conscious mind is also capable of directly controlling a limited range of behaviors through acts of will. This requires a great expenditure of energy and control is relinquished to the subconscious as soon as the concentration of the conscious mind wavers.
We run on autopilot most of the time. We have the means to reprogram the autopilot. In this way, the conscious mind can be in indirect control of behaviors and outcomes. The reason that it cannot be in direct control is that it is simply too slow and limited in data processing capacity to successfully pilot the fast airplane of our lives.
Remember how awkward and clumsy our first attempts at riding a bike were. We were learning balance and the control of a multitude of muscles. Then, at some point, our actions became magically smooth. This is the exact point where the subconscious took over. The subconscious has the capacity and speed to orchestrate complex tasks. That is why it is in control.
I can not disagree with Most of your statements above but several Questions come to mind.
ReplyDeleteDoes the subconscious choose its own content?
Can the subconscious make any choice?
Can the subconscious learn to choose?
What is the source of the belief held in the subconscious? What is the difference between orchestrating and conducting? Does the subconscious control the beliefs it holds? The Monkey has so many Questions.
Can the subconscious question? Love the monkey MN
Can the conscious mind preform a task with too many variables to be held in attention all at once? Conscious mind is useless without the subconscious and conversely subconscious mind is useless without the conscious. since they are useless without one another it is quickly becoming a useless question to ask which one is in control.
ReplyDeleteLove the Monkey mind.
Love the conscious mind.
Love the subconscious mind.
Love the single mind!!!
Good questions!
ReplyDeleteDoes the subconscious choose it own content? I think not. It is receptive to inherited programs and ideas gleaned from its environment without the ability to filter them.
Can the subconscious learn to choose? I just don't know that. I would be surprised if it couldn't. This might be accomplished indirectly by consciously installing programs that compel it to choose between alternatives in much the way that a computer is programmed with if/then statements. (If A is true, then B must be done.)
What is the source of the belief held in the subconscious? Generally, the source of the belief is a hard-wired program (instinct) that is inherited or a statement about reality made by another person who is considered an authority by the individual, like a parent or teacher. Humans have few instincts. The vast majority of programs are learned.
What is the difference between orchestrating and conducting? Both are executive roles. Orchestration implies a higher level of choice applied to the integration of a complex activity. I see what you mean by asking this question. I must be more careful in my use of language. What I meant to say in regard to bicycle riding is that the complex bodily activities that are initially directed by the conscious mind are recorded in the subconscious. When, by trial and error, all of the parts of bicycle riding are experienced, the subconscious is able play back the entire sequence.
Does the subconscious control the beliefs it holds? No. In fact, it doesn't seem to be aware of the consequences attached to running its programs. An example is the constant triggering of the fight or flight response by fear/stress experienced by the conscious mind and passed on to the subconscious. The result of this prolonged state of biochemical arousal is the eventual breakdown of the organism. The subconscious is doing its job to protect the organism by running a hard-wired program but the result is to endanger the survival of that organism.
Can the subconscious question? No.
The monkey's job is to learn and direct. It is the captain of the ship and can give orders about the course that the ship should steer. The actual multitudinous functions necessary to maintain the operation of the ship and the well being of its crew are carried out by others under the direction of the commander, the subconscious. The captain is not capable of personally steering the ship or of carrying out the many functions necessary for its functioning. Those are not the captain's job, the monkey's job.
The monkey mind is perfect as it is. If it were not, it would not exist in the form that it does.
In reply to your 6:39 comment: Bingo! I couldn't agree more. There would not be two departments of the one mind if the job could be done any other way. There is a synergy at work here. It is our job to comprehend the operation of our magnificent mind sufficiently to work with it and not against it.
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. Thanks... eft