Saturday, May 19, 2012


The earth is a school for everyone who lives on it.  We are all here to learn.  This is deep down  learning that touches the core of our being.  This is learning on the level of human consciousness.  It is happening all of the time.  If we are here, we are learning whether we are aware of it or not.  We have no choice in this.  It’s built into the situation of being alive.

The earth is a teaching machine.  Life on earth is perfect for promoting our learning.  It provides a level playing field that is ruled by a few consistent, unvarying principles.

They are: Every thought or action has consequences.  They spread like the ripples in a still pond expanding from the splash point of a stone.   We get our own consequences.

                  Everything is conscious. There are no animate and inanimate objects. All of “reality” is a sea of consciousness involved in a constant rolling boil of vibration.  The sea is self aware.
                  Everything is connected to everything else.  Separateness is a myth.  There is only the sea of consciousness that is made up of patterns within patterns of what we call “energy”.

Thoughts attract similar thoughts.  What I give out comes back.  What goes around comes around.  Think “boomerang”.

                  There are no “accidents”.  I have attracted everything that happens to me in my life with my thoughts, conscious or unconscious.

Only I can create in my experience.  No one can do anything to me without my involvement.  Nor can I create in the experience of anyone else.  There are no victims. I am safe.  We are all safe.

The “reality” that I know is perceptual and personal.  What I see as reality is a compelling total immersion visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, kinesthetic illusion. It is what my brain assembles from the vibratory inputs from my senses as they are filtered through my beliefs. If I change my thoughts (beliefs), I change my world.

The circumstances of my life are a constant printout of my dominant thoughts.  I can know what I believe by looking at what I am getting.  This is my report card.

My emotions are my guidance system.  I can tell instantly if a thought or action is in my best interest by whether it feels good or feels bad.  This is my compass.

And that’s it!  Class is in session.  Take your seat.