How can something as seemingly insubstantial as a thought have the power to affect the seemingly solid physical world?
The answer lies in the word “seemingly”. Both the apparent fleeting evanescence of thought and the apparent substantiality of physical reality are just that, apparent. When we look more closely, thoughts and stones are more alike than they are different.
When we delve into physics, we find that the atom that we once visualized as a miniature solar system of tiny discrete BBs whizzing about in concentric orbits in empty space has been reconceptualized. It is now seen as arrangements of packets of energy called quanta. The subatomic particle has morphed into a probability wave. We can’t pin it down. We can know its mass or its location but not both. As our instruments become more powerful and precise, the subject appears fuzzier and more complex. It threatens to disappear entirely into a fog of noise rather than a clear picture of anything. Our subject/object mentality is dissolving before our eyes. We find energetic patterns in constant flux and nothing else.
The universe is vibrational in nature. It consists entirely of patterns of energy. There is nothing “solid” about the physical world that we perceive. Solidity exists only in our perceptions. Unbelievable as it may seem, we are making it all up, moment by moment by interpreting the vibrations that impinge on our senses and declaring these interpretations to be “reality”.
Thoughts are subtle patterns of energy. They are vibrations of certain frequencies. Humans, as beings or centers of consciousness are creators and emitters of thoughts. These thought vibrations attract other thoughts of a similar frequency of vibration. As like attracts like, a growing mass of vibratory energy builds up. Greater and greater power accumulates until the mass of concentrated thought congeals into what we call “matter”. This is called “manifestation”. Thought energy has crossed the threshold of “reality”. Now we have our stone. It all started with a thought.
The same thing is true of the universe. It all started with a thought.